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F Scott Fitzgerald’s Love Affair with the French Riviera

American author F. Scott Fitzgerald fell in love with the French Riviera a century ago when he first sailed over from the US in...

Château de Juan Les Pins: Royalty and Hollywood Star Valentino on Cap d’Antibes

You’ll instantly notice Château de Juan Les Pins as you walk along Cap d’Antibes, its bold whiteness splashed against the brilliant blue backdrop of...

Best Kids’ Parks on the French Riviera

While the French Riviera has built its reputation on its sun-kissed beaches and vibrant night-life, it also boasts a treasure trove of family-friendly attractions....

Best Beaches for a Winter Walk on the Riviera

Mention the French Riviera and people will immediately think of its glamorous summer scene. But its fame was actually born as a winter destination....

10 Best Things To Do in Nice, France

Here's a selection of some of the best things to do in Nice, if you're lucky enough to be visiting this charming city on...

Top 10 Highlights of the Menton Lemon Festival

The Menton Lemon Festival (La Fête du Citron), an annual citrus extravaganza held from 17 February to 3 March 2024 in the charming town...

Where to Buy the Most Beautiful Flowers and Decadent Chocolates on the Riviera

Who doesn't like receiving beautiful flowers and decadent chocolates? If you find yourself on the enchanting French Riviera during a special occasion, either a...

Top 5 Foods to Ignite Romance

Throughout history, certain foods have earned a reputation for their ability to spark passion and enhance desire. Commonly referred to as aphrodisiacs, these culinary...

WhatsApp Billionaire Buys Château de la Garoupe on Cap d’Antibes

WhatsApp co-founder and former CEO Jan Koum has become the latest billionaire to acquire a property on Cap d’Antibes, one of the world’s premier...

Top Romantic Locations to Pop the Question on the French Riviera

Do you often wonder where to find the lost romantic locations to pop the question on the French Riviera? For those ready to take...

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